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GT Digital helps clients structure information security management internal functions, also through partially or totally outsourced functions
Agile and Programme Management
GT Digital provides support in the adoption and implementation of different portfolio management
Robotic Process Automation
Our “BOT Farm” can rely on digital workers able to help clients in routine activities, allowing employees to deal with more added-value activities
Data strategy and management
GT Digital can support clients in seizing the opportunities offered by Big Data, from the definition of strategies to the implementation of systems
Enterprise Resource Planning
We support clients in selecting the most appropriate ERP System according to their specific needs, helping them also understand licensing models
IT strategy
GT Digital supports clients in making strategic choices, identifying innovation opportunities, comparing themselves with competitors
IT service management
We can support with software selection and with the implementation of dedicated tools for the management of ICT processes
DORA and NIS 2
The entry into force of the DORA Regulation and NIS2 represents a major step towards the creation of a harmonised regulatory framework
Hera, Finenergy and Asja win. Special mention: EFrem Onlus
The prize-giving ceremony of the first edition of the Good Energy Award – aimed at rewarding producers and distributors of energy from renewable sources and constructors of plants for the renewable energy industry – took place on 8 June 2010 at eighteenth-century Villa Trivulzio in Omate (MB)
Winners and finalists
The Jury examined the economic performance and assets situation of applicant companies, gathered from latest financial statements, focusing their attention on important economic and industrial indicators such as ROE, turnover, produced energy, equity/capital ratio, obtained green certificates, investment on research and development activities, and number of new jobs created in the territory. the Jury panel selected 11 finalists, divided into the following categories: Producer (Finenergy Spa, ICQ Holding, Sunray Italy, Agrosocietà Le Gerre), Trader (Gruppo Hera, Repower, T.C.V.V.V.) and Constructor (Asja, Dolomiti Energia, Sebigas).
The winners of the 1st edition are:
- Finenergy Spa (Trento) for the Producer category – company specialised in the management of the energy production chain, specifically in the design and realization of technological stations and plants for the production of energy from renewable sources
- Gruppo Hera (Bologna) for the Trader category – primary multiutility company among the leaders in the management and supply of power, water and environmental utilities
- Asja Ambiente Italia Spa (Rivoli -TO) for the Constructor category – international group designing, constructing and managing plants for the production of energy from renewable sources, among the leaders in the production of energy from biogas
A special mention was given to EFrem (Energy Freedom), a not-for-profit entity located in Brescia, which studies, designs and invests in plants of energy from alternative sources in developing countries.
Scientific support
The award was realised with the scientific support of:
- GSE-Gestore Servizi Energetici (Italian state-owned company which promotes and supports renewable energy sources)
- TIS Innovation Park in Bolzano
- Università Bicocca, IMQ – Istituto Marchio di Qualità
- Parco Tecnologico Padano
- Federazione AEIT (Italian Association of Electrical, Electronics, Automation, Information and Communication Technology)
- PDMA SE (Product Development and Management Association South Europe)
Jury panel
The Jury panel of the Good Energy Award 2010 was chaired by:
- Maurizio Fauri - Professor of Sistemi Elettrici per l'Energia at Università di Trento and President of Polo per l’Energia, i.e. the Technological Center for Energy of Trento
and composed by:
- Giampio Bracchi - Chairman of Fondazione Politecnico and AIFI
- Giovanni Dell'Elce - Under-secretary of State at the Ministry of Productive Ativities
- Giuseppe Pasini - President of Federacciai
- Paride De Masi - national coordinator of energy from renewable sources at Confindustria
- Franco Dorigoni - publicist
- Mario Unnia - political expert