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Good Energy Award 2016

7th edition

The winners of the 7th edition of the Good Energy Award are: Lucaprint, Coop Lombardia, Acea Pinerolese Industriale and

The prize-giving ceremony of the 7th edition of the Good Energy Award - dedicated to energy innovation and the responsible, efficient and sustainable use of energy - was held on September 26, 2016 during the opening session of the Italian Energy Summit 2016 at the premises of “Il Sole 24 Ore” (the major Italian financial newspaper).

Watch the video of the opening speech.


The Jury panel selected the winners for the 4 categories among the various application received:

A special not-for-profit award was given to the Youth Committee of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO for the project “Unesco and schools for a sustainable future”, aimed at raising awareness amongst younger generations about the importance of our cultural and natural heritage as well as of fundamental resources and at promoting the development of an informed and conscious citizenship and a behaviour open to sustainability and energy efficiency.

This is the final decision of the Jury of the award created by Bernoni Grant Thornton, the first in Italy to devise an award for businesses that invest in the innovative energy market and adopt conscious initiatives for the environment, the economy and territory.

Sponsors and scientific support

The Award was sponsored by:

and organised with the scientific support of:

Jury panel

The Jury panel of the Good Energy Award 2016 was chaired by:

  • Maurizio Fauri (Professor of Electrical Energy Systems at the University of Trento and President of Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia, i.e. the Technological Center for Energy of Trento)

and composed by:

  • Fabrizio Adani - President of Gruppo Ricicla - D.I.S.A.A. Università degli Studi di Milano
  • Enzo Argante - Reteconomy Sky
  • Alessandro Beda - Vice President of Sodalitas
  • Romolo Biondi - Sales Director at Robert Bosch
  • Gabriele Boccasile - Agro-environmental policies and business services of Regione Lombardia
  • Gianmarco Bocchiola - Partner at Coima Image
  • Alberto Dossi - President of Gruppo Sapio
  • Federico Gianni - Director at Asseprim
  • Jacopo Giliberto - journalist of Il Sole 24 Ore
  • Karin Mahl - External Relations at Fercam SpA
  • Andrea Mazzolari - Researcher at Università di Ferrara - Associate of CERN Geneva
  • Giovanni Riva - Member of technical-scientific committee of FIPER
  • Rosanna Volpe - CFO of Fondo Italiano d'Investimento Sgr