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People & culture

1st Grant Thornton Day: people are our main value

Christian Siccardi Christian Siccardi

On 21 July we celebrated the 1st Grant Thornton Day.

On 21 July 2017, all partners, managers, professionals and staff from Bernoni Grant Thornton, Grant Thornton Financial Advisory Services, Grant Thornton Operations and Leoni & Partners met at Green Village Sporting Club & Lake (Milan) to celebrate the first Grant Thornton Day and share a day dedicated to relax, sports and fun.

The event is part of the People & Culture initiative launched globally by Grant Thornton International Ltd and aimed at unlocking the potential of our people within all member firms, well aware that only motivated people, proud to work for Grant Thornton, can contribute to the sustainable, long-term growth of our organisation.

Before moving on to the fun part of the day, playing soccer or beach volley, trying wakeboard, or just relaxing by the pool, we dedicated part of the morning to discuss a topic that is particularly close to our hearts: the crucial values characterising the ideal work environment.

All participants, divided into various working teams, were asked to identify the value which in their opinion would best answer this question: which is the first idea that you associate with you ideal work environment?

Professional empowerment, harmony, trust, collaboration, curiosity, are just some of the 20 values emerged from the contest: at the beginning of the day - which was in any case centred on having fun together - the various teams shared the value selected, explaining the reasons behind their choice.

And the project will not end here, as the various teams will continue working over the next months on specific issues, for an ongoing improvement of our organisation.

We are convinced that only a continuous improvement, at all levels, will allow us to keep on scoring important results.

Grant Thornton being named among the 50 Great Places to Work again in 2017 not only makes us very proud, it is also a stimulus for an ongoing improvement.

An important day, which allowed us to personally get to know colleagues of other offices, strengthening the team spirit which is essential to face all challenges, not only professional ones.

Because people are our main value and our strength.