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Good Energy Award 2018: the ninth edition gets underway

Last 22 April 2018 the Earth Day was celebrated on a global scale with over 192 Countries involved, with the aim of celebrating our planet’s natural resources and raise awareness among citizens on their safeguard.

On this occasion, as in previous years, we launched the 2018 edition of the Good Energy Award, the first national initiative aimed at awarding Italian businesses for their energy efficiency and sustainability projects and policies.

The award, devised and promoted by Bernoni Grant Thornton, is now at its 9th edition and will have its highlight in the awarding ceremony scheduled for 20 September 2018 at Auditorium Robert Bosch in Milan.

Among this year’s novelties are the four categories involved: Agrifood, Manufacturing & Technology, Real Estate, Travel & Leisure. These represent four strategic industries for the pursuit of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability targets in Italy.

Having promoted the Good Energy Award for nine years, our objective is not only that of raising awareness on the best practices implemented by businesses, but also that of contributing to form a public consciousness on environmental and food sustainability, a discussion which can no longer be postponed, nor limited to a few insiders.

Once again this year, the award is sponsored by Bosch and received the scientific support of the Italian Ministry of the environment, ANDAF, CNR, FIPER, FIRE, IDM Südtirol, the Milan Board of Chartered Accountants, Trentino Sviluppo, the University of Milan and the University of Trento.

The independent jury panel – chaired by Maurizio Fauri, Professor of Electrical Energy Systems at the University of Trento – will shortlist and select the finalists according to the following criteria: the commitment, resources and technologies involved, the economic return, the value for the territory, the community and the corporate stakeholders, as well as the research for a continuous improvement of energy efficiency.

Businesses can apply for free until 29 June 2018.

We believe that the adoption of energy efficiency policies should be unrelated to the enforcement of prescriptive norms.

Implementing sustainable policies creates in the mid-term a more sustainable, more profitable business with a lower impact on the environment.

Energy & sustainability