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How to reform the Italian tax regulation

Giuseppe Bernoni Giuseppe Bernoni

Which issues should the new government prioritise as concerns the tax regulation? Professionals often have different views on the topic, but now these views are even more fragmented, due to often-conflicting announcements made by ministries and the majority parties.

“The new government wants to make a change through the so-called ‘pace fiscale’ (provision for tax debt settlement through a partial payment of outstanding tax bills) states Giuseppe Bernoni. “Other parties have tried to introduce such a measure in the past, but without success, as it is a difficult project to realise. Legislation is still chaotic: too many laws are issued tumultuously and only for collection purposes. To improve the system, the first change consists in stopping issuing new laws only for budget purposes, as this is the real cause for today’s chaos.”

How can we solve this situation? “By drawing up a consolidating act – answers Bernoni – that contains clear rules valid for a period which is long enough to ensure serenity to taxpayers, without continues changes. I am aware that it is not easy, but this is the first thing to do to reform the tax system. It is not sufficient to introduce only rules that reduce the tax burden or provisions for tax debt settlement. These are all useless measures if the system remains unchanged, as it has done for 50 years”.