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Business risk services
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Capital market
Capital market
Corporate and business tax
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Direct international tax
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Global mobility services
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Indirect international tax
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Transfer pricing
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Our lawyers and accountants can manage all defense measures provided not only by the Italian law, but also by EU regulations and conventions
Family business
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The client can be assisted in every need and with the same care both on important operations or disputes and on simple matters

Back office outsourcing
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Business process outsourcing
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Compilation of financial statements
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Tax compliance
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Electronic invoicing
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Electronic storage
Electronic storage is an archiving procedure that guarantees the legal validity of a digitally stored electronic document
Revaluation of corporate assets
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GT Digital helps clients structure information security management internal functions, also through partially or totally outsourced functions
Agile and Programme Management
GT Digital provides support in the adoption and implementation of different portfolio management
Robotic Process Automation
Our “BOT Farm” can rely on digital workers able to help clients in routine activities, allowing employees to deal with more added-value activities
Data strategy and management
GT Digital can support clients in seizing the opportunities offered by Big Data, from the definition of strategies to the implementation of systems
Enterprise Resource Planning
We support clients in selecting the most appropriate ERP System according to their specific needs, helping them also understand licensing models
IT strategy
GT Digital supports clients in making strategic choices, identifying innovation opportunities, comparing themselves with competitors
IT service management
We can support with software selection and with the implementation of dedicated tools for the management of ICT processes
DORA and NIS 2
The entry into force of the DORA Regulation and NIS2 represents a major step towards the creation of a harmonised regulatory framework
For the 4th consecutive year, Grant Thornton has been partner of the first poject in Italy aimed at rewarding high-school talents, winners of the competitions (so-called “Olimpiadi”) promoted by the Ministry of Education, University and Research
Milan, 14 November 2019 – The scholarship award ceremony of the fourth edition of “I Fuoriclasse della scuola” took place at LIUC University in Castellanza (Varese). This is a project aimed at rewarding talented students promoted by the Italian foundation for financial education (Fondazione per l’Educazione Finanziaria al Risparmio - FEduF) and the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and realized in collaboration with the “Museum of Saving”, which will host the winners for a two-days campus in Turin, and with the support of the Italian Bank Association and of Confindustria.
The Project aims to promote the growth of a generation of young talents, being able to develop, besides high-level economic and technical skills, also the sensitivity to issues such as legality, in order to share their own experiences with the community. This is realized through a new collaboration between public institutions and private subjects to support deserving students and schools. The project specifically aims at supporting young talents through donations by foundations, associations, companies, businesses and private citizens.
Grant Thornton, among the world’s leading business advisory networks with more than 500 people in Italy, supports, for the 4th consecutive year (the first edition in 2016), the project which has donated to students a total of 456 thousand Euros and 228 scholarships.
For Grant Thornton, the awarding ceremony, which again this year received a recognition from the Presidency of the Italian Republic, saw the participation of Giulio Tedeschi, Partner and Head of Advisory, who presented the award - a scholarship - to Luigi Arbore, a student of the Institute “IISS Iris Versari” in Cesano Maderno (MB) and commented:
“Supporting ‘i fuoriclasse’ for Grant Thornton means supporting the values of education, culture and instruction. We consider these values essential for young people approaching the world of work and professions, in order for them to build their growth path, both as individuals and as part of our society.
It is our duty to create trust around young talents, so that they can build a bridge among generations, courageously interpreting progress and future challenges. Grant Thornton believes that its support to this initiative is a key value that goes beyond the mere professional and ethic support in the interest of individuals and the economic environment.We congratulate these youngtalents and wish them a future thriving with opportunities”.