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The four driver of business growth in Italy and globally

Alessandro Dragonetti Alessandro Dragonetti

Milano Finanza - 13 June

The key role played by SMEs in the Italian business context is significantly similar to their role at a global level. Studies and researches carried out both at a domestic and international level confirm that this business sector shows higher potential growth rates than those of large companies.

According to a report by the Economist, the middle market growth rate in the period 2017-2022 is expected to reach 4.7% and to be 0.9% higher than the relevant estimate for large companies.

The key growth drivers for SMEs are:

  • technology, R&D and innovation
  • flexibility, agility and resilience
  • access to the global market (goods, services, human and financial resources)
  • M&A

Of course, not all business sectors will contribute to the same extent to the global growth. The industrial sector should be the highest-performing, followed by technology (including media and tlc), healthcare, services and consumer products.