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Advanced training course on Transfer Pricing

On 19 December 2016 an advanced course on Transfer Pricing, organised by the school of professional training ("Scuola di Alta Formazione") of the Roll of Chartered Accountants in Milan, will be held at Fondazione Ambrosianeum in Milan.

The course will consider the most relevant and topical issues concerning transfer pricing, with reference to: the recent documentation fulfillments; the so called APAs; the consequences deriving from business restructuring activities; the evaluation of the relevance of intangibles in the Value Chain; and the possible criminal implications of Transfer Pricing.  

The recent developments of BEPS, as well as Patent Box will also be discussed.

Paolo Besio, Partner at Bernoni Grant Thornton will participate as a speaker on arbitration agreements, MAPs, international ruling and APAs, and Gianni Bitetti, Principal at Bernoni Grant Thornton, will intervene both as coordinator and as speaker on Transfer Pricing and intangibles (OCSE, BEPS and Patent Box).