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Tax assessments and digital administration processes

On Tuesday, 4 April 2017, a conference concerning tax and accounting assessments in case of digital administration took place at the auditorium of Accademia della Guardia di Finanza (Italian tax police academy) in Castelporziano (Rome). The event was organized by Bernoni Grant Thornton and by Accademia della Guardia di Finanza, in collaboration with ANDAF (Italian association of managing and financial directors).

Some of Bernoni Grant Thornton professionals participated in the conference, i.e.: Alessandro Dragonetti – Managing Partner and Head of Tax - as moderator, Sergio Montedoro – Partner in charge of the Rome office - with a speech on juridical aspects of the digitalisation of accounting and administration processes, and Mario Spera – Principal – with a speech on legal and tax aspects of the digitalisation of accounting and administration processes.

Conference programme Download

Discussed topics

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