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Case history

Adele Pastore

General Manager of Synergy WorldWide Italy S.r.l.

What our clients say about us is the key ingredient of our work. Because thanks to the open confrontation and the transparent exchange of ideas we are able to meet concrete achievements. And so it was for Adele Pastore – General Manager of Synergy WorldWide Italy Srl , who entrusted us with the outsourcing of direct selling related processes. “The team at Grant Thornton helped us put in place a full automation process for our “galaxy” of salespersons.

Since the very beginning, they listened to our needs and together we have built an innovative automated system, which included generation of invoices, automated management of tax and social security calculations, up to final compliance with the new electronic invoicing requirements, that my US colleagues find easy to use too.” Attention to clients’ needs is often what makes the difference. Our approach is based on the assumption that it is not enough to offer an efficient service, but we want to go beyond and broaden our horizons supporting our clients to arrive where they never thought they could go.

“I love the team proactivity and flexibility in creating tools that are customized to our needs, even anticipating what our needs will be. I know they are now working on another project that I am sure will give us further benefits.”