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ESG: the challenge we need to accept

In recent years, the environmental challenge, which has sustainability at its heart, has become a key point for the European Union and for international organizations. Following some common regulations, both public and private companies are advised to follow the three ESG criteria to promote the adoption of environmental and social values.

The importance of environmental sustainability in the world of work is also highlighted thanks to research carried out on the use of remote working to reduce pollution. Companies should establish new labour standards and incentives for means of transport.


Overview - Environment, Social, Governance: integration is the priority

By Gabriele Felici - Partner of Bernoni Grant Thornton

In 2023, the transition to an economy based on environmental, social and governance sustainability values can take a step forward thanks to the opportunity to integrate good practices into company processes, into [...]


Expert's opinion - Create international value starting from local value

By Martina Cellana - Senior Manager of Grant Thornton FAS

The impact of companies on the ecosystem (E - Environment), on the collectivity, the local community of origin, and the management of their employees (S - Social), together with transparent governance [...]


Focus on - Smart Working and sustainability

By Roberto Antoniotti - Partner & Head of Grant Thornton Technology & Innovation

In 2020, we all asked ourselves, for the first time, if remote working is good for the environment and if closed offices and people working from home could have a positive impact on the atmosphere. Lacking scientifically [...]